Surfing in Costa Rica at 9 weeks pregnant

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whew, intentions to blog every week on the week.....well, at least I'm averaging my 4 workouts still which feels great. Oh, and I feel great too, almost 26 weeks along now. I can't believe my 2nd trimester is almost over. It's funny but some days I feel really energetic during workouts, and some days I feel really tired, guess it's par for the course. Like I said, I got in 4 workouts last week as follows.

"The Seven" 7 rounds of 7 reps of each exercise (scaled and subbed out for pregnancy): push-ups (still rockin em' on my toes!), thrusters 55#, toes-to-bar, deadlifts 135#, dips (thin band), kettlebell swings 35#, and pull-ups. This was really challenging even being scaled. My husband and I did it together and it took me about 49 minutes to complete.

4 rounds-10 snatch balance (I love snatches), 10 kettlebell swings, 15 walking lunges. Just a nice short met-con. The snatch balance felt good even without the deep squatting.

3-6-9 reps of 95# push-jerks, pull-ups, push-ups. I can really feel the extra body weight on body-weight exercises/lower body movements. I think it will be a benefit in the long run though, like wearing a weighted vest for workouts. Hopefully it will give me some long-term strength gains.

4 rounds- 400m run, 10 overhead squats 65#. Running still feels good also. Rowing not so much. I've continued to row as part of my warm up routine and as my belly gets bigger, rowing gets harder. I've always disliked running, but now that I'm pregnant, I hate to say I kinda like it!

Well so far I've gotten in 2 workouts this week which I'll post on the weekend, shooting for 2 more. I also go for my next OB appointment Monday so I'll give a status update on my weight gain so far.

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