Surfing in Costa Rica at 9 weeks pregnant

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 27! Whoohoo! This pregnancy seems to be flying by. I guess chasing a 3 year-old, working, and trying to stay active can do that. I had an OB appointment yesterday, everything is great, and I promised I would update on the weight gain so far. 16 lbs which I'm very happy with and is average for 27 weeks. I also got in another 4 workouts last week as follows:

5 rounds-5 Deadlifts 135#, 5 ring push-ups with toes on box (ring height equal with box height) much more challenging than regular push-ups, involved way more core stabilization and upper body strength. Not the hardest workout I've done by any means, probably could have done heavier deadlifts due to the low reps.

"Michael" (scaled for pregnancy) 3 rounds-600m run, 15 toes to bar, 20 good-mornings. Talk about some hamstring soreness. I was sore for almost a week after those 2 workouts in a row! Toes to bar are still manageable. I hope to be able to do them as long as possible to maintain ab core strength.

Shoulder press-1,1,1,1,1,1,1 45,55,65,70,75,80,85×2 followed by 3rds 10 pull-ups, 10 dumbbell squat cleans 25# for a short metcon. I was really happy with my shoulder press numbers, pretty much the same as pre-pregnancy. My 1 rep max for a strict press was 90# so I hope that's increased. I guess I'll find out post-partum :)

5 rounds-200m run, 8 clean & jerks 75# When I'm out of ideas I tend to do workouts involving runs which is kind of where this one came from. Our gym was doing "2 minute Defense" which involves a short sprint in combination with a clean, front squats & push-jerks. It gave me some inspiration for this workout. My Olympic lifts are still coming along just fine. I haven't found that my belly impedes my cleans or snatches. I'm sure I'm bringing the bar farther out in front of my body to avoid hitting the belly though, but I believe it's pretty minimal.

Energy Systems

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the energy molecule needed by our body to produce mechanical work & fulfill all biological and chemical activities in our bodies. ATP is stored in our muscles and is readily available when a stimulus is provided, but this supply is limited to a few seconds. The need for more ATP must be further provided by the breakdown of carbohydrate (CHO) in the form of glucose or stored muscle glycogen.

Anaerobic Systems
-Creatine phosphate system-very rapid system where ATP is limited and oxygen is not needed. Examples where this system is used are power related: sprints, football line plays, gymnastics routines
-Anaerobic glycolysis-the rapid breakdown of CHO also without involving oxygen. This breakdown leads to lactate/pyruvate (lactic acid) as a byproduct, lending that "burning" sensation to the working muscles. Although considered anaerobic, pyruvate can readily participate in ATP production when oxygen is available, so it can be considered a first step in aerobic metabolism. Examples where this system is used include power/endurance activities like 200-400m sprints or 100m swims. Also short high intensity exercises lasting a few minutes.

Aerobic Metabolism
This system can use CHO, fat and protein to produce abundant supplies of ATP in the presence of oxygen to sustain muscular endurance over long periods of time. This system is primarily used in endurance events lasting longer than an 800m run, or during activities of low-moderate intensity lasting 30 minutes or more.

Although protein can be broken down to form ATP in aerobic exercise, CHO's and fats are the primary sources used in healthy adults. CHO is the fuel of choice at the onset of exercise and high intensity work, but a gradual shift to fats is seen during prolonged exercise of low-moderate intensity lasting 30 minutes or more.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whew, intentions to blog every week on the week.....well, at least I'm averaging my 4 workouts still which feels great. Oh, and I feel great too, almost 26 weeks along now. I can't believe my 2nd trimester is almost over. It's funny but some days I feel really energetic during workouts, and some days I feel really tired, guess it's par for the course. Like I said, I got in 4 workouts last week as follows.

"The Seven" 7 rounds of 7 reps of each exercise (scaled and subbed out for pregnancy): push-ups (still rockin em' on my toes!), thrusters 55#, toes-to-bar, deadlifts 135#, dips (thin band), kettlebell swings 35#, and pull-ups. This was really challenging even being scaled. My husband and I did it together and it took me about 49 minutes to complete.

4 rounds-10 snatch balance (I love snatches), 10 kettlebell swings, 15 walking lunges. Just a nice short met-con. The snatch balance felt good even without the deep squatting.

3-6-9 reps of 95# push-jerks, pull-ups, push-ups. I can really feel the extra body weight on body-weight exercises/lower body movements. I think it will be a benefit in the long run though, like wearing a weighted vest for workouts. Hopefully it will give me some long-term strength gains.

4 rounds- 400m run, 10 overhead squats 65#. Running still feels good also. Rowing not so much. I've continued to row as part of my warm up routine and as my belly gets bigger, rowing gets harder. I've always disliked running, but now that I'm pregnant, I hate to say I kinda like it!

Well so far I've gotten in 2 workouts this week which I'll post on the weekend, shooting for 2 more. I also go for my next OB appointment Monday so I'll give a status update on my weight gain so far.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Whew, another week down, managed to squeeze in 4 workouts again!

4 rounds 8 Ring dips, 15 kettlebell swings 35#, 50 squats. I actually did 5 unassisted dips, then had to convert to a thin band. Can really feel the excess body weight on the dips now, not sure if I'll be able to do any unassisted with 25-35# eventual of baby weight :)

4 rounds 250 m row, 10 front squats 75#, 15 toes to bar, 20 step-ups. Toes to bar while 6 months pregnant is quite an achievement I must say. I didn't feel so energetic on this particular metcon, and I left the gym feeling mentally crappy.

Overhead squats 3,3,3,3,3- 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, and 125 x1 just to see if I still had it :). I initially wasn't even going to do this workout, since OHS are one of my favorite lifts and not squatting below 90 degrees takes out a big strength component of the movement and I didn't want to feel again mentally defeated after another workout. I was really glad I did it, just jerking 125# overhead at this stage and maintaining in the overhead position made me feel like I haven't lost too much. I achieved the benchmark bodyweight OHS x1 of 145# last Spring and hope to get back to that OHS weight post-partum.

"Helton" scaled for pregnancy-3 rounds 400m run, 20 dumbbell hang squat cleans 50#, 15 push-ups. Yep, still doing regular push-ups and feeling good. I just feel it in different places, especially in my lats since I can only get to belly depth these days, no more chest to ground! This workout left me feeling great, the weather was cooler, running felt really good. Got an awesome Under Armor bra for running, which I HIGHLY recommend.

I have noticed that my workouts are getting longer, but I think I'm more comfortable now doing more but really pacing myself, which I think is key. I did an insane workout today, but I'll save that one for my next blog update.

Have a Great Week!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend! I have mixed feelings about the coming end of summer. I generally love warm weather but I'm glad to be entering into a period of cooler, more favorable workout weather. So today I'm super sore, sore traps, legs, back...ugh. Even my abs (which have slowly disappeared) are really sore, I'm guessing from doing Fran yesterday...but I'll get to that.

I did 3 workouts in a row, cause that's all my schedule would allow, which is also why I'm so sore:

5 rounds 10 squat cleans 65#, 10 push-ups, still doing regular push-ups but now my belly touches before my chest so that's as deep as I get (but my core is staying strong!). The squat cleans where hard not going below parallel as well.

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of sumo deadlift high-pulls and push-jerks. Prescribed weight was 55# but I did 60# only because I was going at a slower pace and push-jerks that light don't really challenge me that much. It was a total suckfest though, I used to like sumos, not sure I like them at 23 weeks pregnant.

"Fran", need I say more?? 21-15-9 reps of 65# thrusters and pull-ups. My husband guided and timed me for support, not that I was doing it for time but I kinda wanted to know how I was doing. I was SLOW, that's all I'll say (about as fast as the first time I did it rx'd over 18 mos ago). I COMPLETELY recovered after every 7 reps the 1st round of 21, then every 5 reps thereafter. I haven't even done thrusters since I've been pregnant, and they were totally inefficient since my squat was limited to parallel. I'll not do Fran again until after this baby comes :).


Since I've been pregnant I've been reflecting on my own fitness deficits and goals for the future. I identified flexibility as a definite area of improvement in myself and I'm sure many other people neglect this important area of fitness. Having adequate flexibility ensures that good range of motion can occur in the joints, thereby enhancing optimal performance. Pregnant women really need to be careful with stretching exercises due to the increased laxity of the ligaments and tendons associated with the hormone relaxin.

Static stretching is best suited for pregnancy since the risk for injury is low and requires minimal if no assistance. Static stretching involves slowly stretching a muscle to the end of the range of motion, to the point of mild discomfort. The stretch should be held in that position for at least 15-30 seconds. Only 2-4 stretches need to be done for any given muscle group a minimum of 2-3 days/weeks. If stretching prior to working out, it should be done after an active warm-up. I recommend stretching following the cool-down phase, research has shown that stretching prior to a workout has no benefit in enhancing performance.

Dynamic stretching, where repetitive bouncing movements produce the muscle stretch should never be done in pregnancy since the risk for injury is so high, even in the general population.

Stretches to avoid during pregnancy include standing toe touch, Barre stretch, Hurdler's stretch, neck circles, knee hyperflexion, and the Yoga plow.