Another week down, closer to D-day, as in Delivery Day! A little over 35 weeks now, fatigue is again the theme, but what woman at 35 weeks pregnant feels super energetic? Still managing the 4 workout per week schedule, even through the Holiday weekend. Had an OB visit today, gained a couple more pounds for a total of 22. Some of my workouts last weeks are as follows:
"Collin" (of course modified for pregnancy) 4 rounds 200m "trot" with a 25# sandbag, 12 step-ups 20" box, 12 push-press 25# dumbbells, 12 sumo deadlift high pulls w/ 35# kettlebell, yes I was the crazy pregnant lady lugging around a 25 lb sandbag at at 8 1/2 months pregnant, I was glad it was dark outside so the general public couldn't see that non-sense. Crossfitters are just not right in the head sometimes. My husband actually asked me if I was subconsciously trying to induce labor with that workout, I told him no but it's a good idea for week 38!
"Jackie" Wow, I did this one as RX'd, 1000m row, 50 thrusters 45#, 30 pull-ups I actually did run the clock and came in at 16:42, my PR is around 10:40 I believe from last February, and this time included a fellow gym member interrupting me mid-thruster for a conversation! I felt good that day though, more energetic than usual.
5 rounds: 25 squats, 10 KBS 35#, 10 push-press 25# dumbbells, 10 push-ups (elevated on a parallete)
3 rounds: 300m row, 10 good-mornings 45# barbell, 8 banded ring-dips
I will admit I felt super worn out during the last 2 workouts of that week, almost felt like my body had had it. Rowing is just plain out hard at this point, with a large abdomen you only get half the range of motion and it becomes so inefficient. But when you can't run anymore or do plyometrics like box-jumps to get your heart rate up, there aren't many options left for us pregnant ladies.
I'll be hitting the gym tonight for workout #1!
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